Thursday, June 2, 2011

Breast Cancer Symptoms | Breast Cancer Tests

Due to the persistence of the negative effects of cancer cells in the immunity of body cells, relapse should not be regarded as an anomaly. body cells remain susceptible to a relapse of cancer infection, even after a recovery period. The most common time frame to prevent recurrence is three to five years after the first medication.

When diagnosed early, the most common cancer including breast cancer can be treated successfully. Early detection is required for diagnosis and treatment. Early treatment is necessary to prevent spreading or further pathological development of cancer. Nuclear medicine can be combined with antibiotics for the treatment of cancer cells.

It is shocking, but unfortunately many women who have suffered and been treated for breast cancer since they do not recognize these early warning signs of recurrence after some time has elapsed. It is therefore important to prevent recurrence of breast cancer, women need to be alert to these indicators suggest that breast cancer. The second occurrence of breast cancer tends to be more damaging than the first appearance of the disease.

If you find unusual hardening of fatty tissue in the chest, is a cause for alarm. If this tissue is hardened in the same breast that was given before radiation treatment, which means breast cancer recurrence. In this case, you must hurry and see the oncologist who had to deal with in the past.

An oncologist from time to time may be recommended after breast cancer has been diagnosed to undergo a selection test in order to eliminate the possibility of recurrence of breast cancer. A mammogram and physical exam by a gynecologist often part of the evidence.

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy | Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Chemotherapy is often abbreviated and commonly known as 'Chemo'. This is a systematic treatment is used to kill cancer cells. Affects the entire body passing through the bloodstream. Used drugs to weaken and destroy the cells in the affected area of ​​cancer. It is used either to reduce the size of the tumor or as a treatment if it happens again. Also used to treat when there is potential for these cancer cells spread to other parts of the body.

Drugs for treatment of chemotherapy are much lower in number. Especially the combination of two or more drugs used for chemotherapy for breast cancer. These drugs in tablets / capsules are taken orally, while some are injected into the vein. These medications are used to their side effects are unbearable or until their effect is.

Chemotherapy is used in two stages. In a first stage, which is used to kill cancer cells that may remain even after surgery. Therefore, this reduces the risk of recurrence of cancer cells. It is also used in an advanced stage of destruction and damage both cancer cells as possible.

Before deciding on the regimen of chemotherapy, the doctor takes into account factors such as general health, menopausal status, and stages of breast cancer. advanced stage breast cancer is known as "metastatic disease. This is the stage III or stage IV breast cancer. Chemotherapy is used in an advanced stage to destroy all cancer cells as possible. The new drugs, used for the treatment of advanced stage, to help these patients live longer.

The side effect of chemotherapy treatment varies from person to person. It also depends on the drug prescribed and duration of treatment. Some side effects go away after some time of treatment, but some treatments have lasting effects on your body. The most common side effects of chemotherapy include memory loss, infections, fatigue, changes in hair and sores in the mouth or throat. Doctors use different tests to see if the treatment is yielding the desired results or not.

Breast Cancer Association | Breast Cancer Awareness

Similarly, if your body temperature is too low, you will suffer hypothermia. Body temperature must be maintained within a fairly narrow range. If your temperature is too high, which also suffer adverse effects. Drinking too much water and suffer differently.

Similarly, if you consume too much alcohol, without prejudice to their ears to sound too much or expose their eyes to the glare of an arc welder, which is in serious trouble. Without exception, all of which emphasizes the body and mind is anomaly of some sort. Drivers need to sleep are more prone to accidents. mountain climbers need supplemental oxygen.

Do you see a pattern in these abnormal body? Some of these abnormalities are called diseases. Scurvy is a disease that results from the lack of ... Rickets is a disease caused by a lack of ...

Every time your body is subjected to abnormal conditions rebels. As your emotional signs of pleasure, joy or love, in contrast to pain, anger or emotional trauma that means that something needs attention, so wrong, be served notice that your body wants to return to a state of normal.

Now what if you were to study the conditions of the body of patients with breast cancer? Whatever the conditions clearly found to be compatible with the existence of cancer cells.

Is it a reasonable conclusion? Think about that. If the conditions of the body in particular did not adhere to cancer cells would surely die. Consider the examples above. Hypothermia is cured by restoring the body temperature to normal. Acute pain disappears when it stops hearing from excessive noise. Climbers do not need supplemental oxygen when they return to normal levels of oxygen at lower altitudes.

Brain Cancer Pictures | Brain Cancer Prognosis

There are two main types of brain cancer. Primary brain cancer starts in the brain. Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. Brain tumors can be benign, no cancer cells or malignant, with cancer cells that grow quickly.

Primary brain cancer rarely spreads beyond the central nervous system, and the results of death by the uncontrolled growth of tumor in the limited space of the skull. Metastatic brain cancer indicates advanced disease and has a poor prognosis.

Metastatic brain tumors consist of cancer cells from a tumor elsewhere in the body. The cells spread to the brain from a tumor in a process called metastasis. About 25% of tumors elsewhere in the body of brain metastases.

The symptoms of brain cancer

Brain tumors can damage vital neurological pathways and invade and compress brain tissue. Symptoms usually develop over time and their characteristics depend on the location and size of the tumor.

Cancers are usually painless at first. As they grow, the first symptom is often mild discomfort, which can worsen progressively increasing severe pain during the expansion of cancer. The pain may be caused by the cancer or compression of erosion on the nerves or other structures.

The symptoms are caused by the tumor pressing on or invading other parts of your brain and avoiding to function normally.

A sign is a sign that something is wrong in the body. But signs are defined as things that can be seen by a doctor, nurse or health care professional. mouth breathing, rapid respiratory rate and abnormal sounds heard through a stethoscope may be signs of pneumonia.

Bowel Cancer Prognosis | Bowel Cancer Symptoms

Early detection of this cancer is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms associated with it are similar to those occurring in the case of routine abdominal ailments, such as irritable bowel or diarrhea. Bowel cancer or colon cancer is cancer that affects the large intestine or colon and rectum in humans, however, the human body gives some indication when something is wrong. Same is the case here.

When there is trouble of any kind, note the following:

Blood in the stool - this is a sure shot indicator to be something wrong inside. Clearly arises in the stomach and intestinal tract right up the rectum. associated indicators may be rectal bleeding (which can be interpreted as a consequence of Piles), or stool to be red. It can also indicate the early stage of cancer.
Diarrhea - leniency Eating wrong and unhygienic foods usually cause diarrhea. mechanisms, however, has incorporated the human body to get rid of the infection medications. If the infection shows no signs of abating, even after three weeks, has to be investigated by a doctor for more serious cause.
* Change in bowel habit persistent -? An increase in stool frequency, stool with more flexible for long life. More important is the pursuit of pus and blood in the stool. Feces can also display thin stools instead of normal size.
* Constipation - Because cancer cells continue to grow, tend to start to block the intestine. Will result in persistent pain in the abdomen. This may be accompanied by vomiting and a bloated feeling in the navel area.

Bone Cancer Pictures | Bone Cancer Prognosis

Pain is subjective. This means that different people have different takes on how painful an experience or situation is for them. bitter drink is a sweet man with another man. It is therefore appropriate that when all else fails, a person with pain should try self-hypnosis. Yes, it is true that most people, when in pain depend mainly on pain medication. But what if the pain is intense and deep? Take the case of patients with bone cancer. This debilitating disease undoubtedly has not only caused the victims' physical pain but also psychological and emotional trauma. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and medication are not sufficient to deal with what these patients are experiencing.

Studies have shown that patients with bone cancer benefit with self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Even the procedures for cancer cells to stop proliferation, are painful, nausea, and drainage. In general, patients with cancer have found that under self-hypnosis enables them to be in a state of trance in which all physical pain relieved by relaxation of the mind simple. As the old saying goes, the mind is more powerful than the body. Bone cancer patient uses positive images tour after chemotherapy or radiotherapy exhausting. Do so primarily for the conversion of all the negative feelings that feel positive thoughts and visualizations. Overcome not only the sensation of excruciating pain, but also left to be empowered by these positive thoughts. This allows them to overcome not only the pain itself, but also conditional upon the thoughts that are therapeutic in nature.

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