In this study, the researchers compared 1,238 patients with colorectal cancer with the same number of healthy controls. Of the participants who had cancer - a little less than 800 had colon cancer, with about 450 diagnosed with rectal cancer.
The team analyzed blood samples and questionnaires lifestyle complete diet of the participants and found that subjects with high levels of HDL (good cholesterol), along with other blood fats known as apolipoprotein A (apoA), had less likely to develop colon cancer. There was no impact on rates of rectal cancer.
For every 16. 6 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl), increase good cholesterol, the risk of colon cancer was reduced by 22%, while a 32% increase in apoA brought the likelihood of colon cancer by up to 18%. For a small number of participants followed for more than two years, only HDL levels were associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.
This particular relationship is independent of other blood markers that are linked to cancer. Things like inflammation, insulin resistance and free radicals. But HDL cholesterol or other biological factor that comes with the good cholesterol that is responsible for the reduction in risk?